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How to Plant a Pollinator Garden

Pollinator gardens are outdoor spaces designed to provide a food source for the local pollinator population. Gardeners can either design a large pollinator garden or small container gardens on the patio.

Pollinators are vital to the survival of our food supply. They provide us with one out of every three bites of food that we eat.

The good news is that there are a number of things we can do to make our gardens pollinator friendly and help them thrive.

How to Plant a Pollinator Garden

The Pollinator Crisis and Why it Matters

The Pollinator Crisis refers to the alarming decline of pollinators and the consequent loss in biodiversity. The crisis is happening all over the world and the consequences are dire because pollinators are essential for our food supply, natural ecosystems, and agricultural economies. We will explore what is causing this crisis, how it is impacting us, and what can be done to help curb it.

The Importance of Pollinators for Our Ecosystem and What We Can Do in Our Everyday Lives

Pollinators are important for our ecosystem. They are responsible for the pollination of plants and flowers, which is necessary for the production of fruits and vegetables. In the past few years, we have seen a drastic decrease in their population.

The most important thing that we can do to help these animals is to plant more flowers and other plants that will attract them. We should also be aware of our actions and try not to use pesticides or herbicides so they don't get killed by accident.

How to Make Your Garden a Pollinator Paradise

Choosing an edible garden is a simple way to attract these insects. The plants in this type of garden are often ones that are not typically eaten by humans but they provide a valuable source of food for insects such as honeybees.

There are so many plant options to attract pollinators. We will list some of our favorites here.

Sedum pulchellum

Plant these flowers on the ground to help bees pollinate during windy weather.

Sedum pulchellum


Milkweed might be best known for being the only food source for monarch butterfly caterpillars, but it is also a great nectar plant for other species of butterflies and bees.


Echinacea (Coneflower)

There are so many varieties of Echinacea on the market and most have an exceptionally long bloom period. They provide nectar and pollen to bees, making them a perfect choice for any garden.

Echinacea Flower


Sunflowers are a great source of nectar for native bees and honeybees.


Not only for pollination, but lavender also helps in repelling harmful insects.


Bluebeard starts blooming in late summer and continues into the fall. They provide much-needed nectar to pollinators when they're most scarce and there are few other options.


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